My best time (yeah, I had to try it a couple times) was 2:35. What's yours?

The silly weather people have promised a little sunshine here for this weekend. I've got my fingers crossed. Sure would like to get my garden planted. What do you have planned for your weekend?
I'm currently enjoying: Just finished Wicked Appetite by Janet Evanovich (a fun read)
Groaner of the Day: A college freshman on a dare stole twenty-three bottles of beer one night. He was caught but to his relief the District Attorney dropped the charges.
She said she could not make a case of it!
You've redeemed yourself of the groaner - love this one.
Daytime situation prevents this puzzle to load so will try it tonight and give you my time.
Have a good day. I hope the sun comes out for you.
Don't forget to try it out when you get home. It's fun.
Glad you liked the groaner and - TA DA - we have sunshine today. Thanks for sending it over. (I give you full credit.)
I found a site once that lets you upload your own picture and turn it into a puzzle. I did Iko.
Very cute.
Maria - Iko could be tough to do. Lots of black and brown. Fun to try though. Did you try the birds?
I'm hoping for at least 'not rain' even if we don't get sunshine. Our grass is out of control and weeds...sigh.
Oh, gawd, that jigsaw game is addicting!
I'm addicted to a timed word jumble game. Gets my brain going in the morning. :-)
Susan - hope you got the "not rainy" weather. I'm thinking of renting goats to take care of the grass. They can work in the rain.
Liz - come on, now. Fess up. What was your best time? I went back to it and managed to get my time down to 2:08 but I'm not going to admit how many tries that took.
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